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Chaos as several ministers resign over Brexit agreement

Unsurprisingly to most observers, several Brexit leaning ministers in Theresa May’s cabinet have today resigned their positions, as they could not get everything they asked for in the Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU.

Most notably, and rather pathetically, Brexit minister Dominic Raab has resigned in protest over the agreement, despite being the minister responsible for the negotiations in recent months. Observers see this as part of an orchestrated attack on May planned for several months in order to oust her as PM and Leader of the Conservative Party. Other resignees at the time of writing are the Work and Pensions Secretary, Esther McVey, and the Junior Minister for Northern Ireland, Shailesh Vara, while others are expected to follow.

Considering recent developments in the Conservative Party, as well as the utter failure by Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition to come up with a proper response, the UK now seems destined to plunge into chaos sooner rather than later.

What is needed is for the many opposing parties to come together and form a compromise agreement, rather than going for the most extreme options, such as doing Hard Brexit or staying in the EU with no change. This would, no doubt, be the best for a country which was basically evenly split on whether to leave or remain and whose populace seem to stand firmly on the Remain side today, according to the most recent polls. But alas, in the current political climate in the UK and other Western countries, this seems highly unlikely to happen before the ship hits the proverbial iceberg.

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